
How To Make Mini Emp Jammer

EMP 1 Tired of obnoxious neighbors blaring obnoxious music to obnoxiously proceed you up at night? Aye, me too; then much so, that I sometimes fantasy about firing an RPG into their apartment and permanently ending their midnight crescendo. Of course, I'm the sensible and sane sort who'd never resort to violence, so instead, I'd rather set off an electro-magnetic pulse correct outside their window.

The electro-magnetic pulse generator, or EMP generator, is a device capable of generating a transient electromagnetic disturbance that radiates outward from its epicenter, disrupting electronic devices (or frying, depending on its capacity). Some EMP bursts are naturally occurring, such as electrostatic discharge (ESD), where others, such every bit the nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP), are man-fabricated.

The following step-by-step guide documents how to construct a rudimentary EMP generator using commonly available items: Soldering iron, solder, disposable camera, small toggle push, insulated thick copper cable, enamel-coated wire, and a high-electric current momentary switch.

Disclaimer: EMP's are dangerous and should not exist operated near medical or computer equipment; avert this at all costs if you wear a pacemaker. Likewise — neither I, nor Electronic Products, encourage yous to utilise the EMP for the destruction of property. We practise not condone illegal behavior.

Footstep one: Obtain a disposable point-and-shot camera
Purchase a inexpensive disposable camera such as the Kodak variety sold at the local drug store.

Step 2: Put on a pair of prophylactic gloves and open upward
Don your safe gloves to avoid the possibility of receiving a painful stupor when opening up the camera; its flash capacitor carries 330 volts or and then, when fully charged.

Step 3: Open the frame and locate the large electrolytic capacitor
Using the flat end of a screwdriver, pry open the photographic camera's chassis while taking care to non impairment the printed circuit board beneath. Once open, locate the large electrolytic capacitor — the blackness cylindrical looking component with two leads — and the PCB to which it'due south attached. Bear in mind that the side of the capacitor with the markings represents the negative terminal.

Step 4: Test the wink capacitor's accuse
Catch a voltmeter, set it to the 1000-volt scale, and verify that the capacitor is discharged. If voltmeter cannot notice a reading, the capacitor'due south discharged and you can skip step 5.

Pace 5: Discharge the wink
To discharge the capacitor we'll offset demand to actuate the flash by inserting batteries and film into the camera and turning on the flash. Side by side, we press the shoot button and immediately remove the batteries to forbid the capacitor from charging again. Apply the voltmeter once once more to ensure full discharge. If a residual charge persists, place a 100-ohm resistor across the leads. Some propose using a screwdriver to belch the capacitor, only I advise against this equally this technique creates an ugly spark.

Pace 6: Remove the PCB and replace its accuse switch
Remove the capacitor'due south PCB and discover the on/off button. Peel this off and solder a push in its place on top of the solder pads to reduce the take chances of electric daze.

Step seven: Solder the capacitor

Solder two insulated copper cables onto the capacitor's 2 terminals and wire one end to a high current momentary switch as shown below. The high current momentary switch can easily procured from the Internet. Leave the other end unattached for now.

Step 8: Course the load coil
Wrap the enamel-coated wire seven to xv turns around a circular object with a bore of 2 inches. Ensure the wire lines up precisely with no crease or overlap. Identify double-sided tape around the diameter of the circular object to help with this.

Once yous've created a satisfactorily thick loop, remove the object. Now bind the scroll with adhesive tape simply leave two protruding leads to connect the terminals. If y'all've an iron rod handy, yous may skid it through the center of the coil to intensify the generated magnetic field.

Step 9: Connect roll and the switch
Utilize sandpaper to remove the enamel coating off the tips of the two wire leads protruding from the coil before attaching one to the other concluding of the capacitor. Next, attach the remaining lead to the "on" side of the switch.

The finish result will be a PCB with a switch to plough the charger excursion on and off along with a load curlicue that's switched beyond the capacitor.

Disclaimer two: This project is not powerful enough volition not disrupt your obnoxious neighbors' sound systems.

Pace 10: Charge the EMP generator and fire
Simply re-insert the battery into the camera's PCB to provide a power supply. When y'all're gear up to test out your cosmos, fetch the handheld electronic device you'd like to disrupt and flip the on switch. Do not simultaneously hold down the charge button while firing the pulse or you may damage the circuit.

Experiment with different capacitor value and wire diameter for different results.

Source: WikiHow and Cameron Cobb via YouTube

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